Email Spam Report
Reported email address: [email protected]
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Spam content: If you think your big hangup is lack of experience…
I’ve got the ultimate shortcut for you.
Borrow mine.
I’ve got 20 years in the trenches, churning out one successful offer after another.
And I’m going to let you “download” my brain into yours
and basically “borrow” my experience.
Let me ask you this…
If you were playing a pickup game of ball at the park.
And you had LeBron James as your partner.
You win… period.
It doesn’t matter if the other guy picked first,
It doesn’t matter if you’ve NEVER made a basket.
Nothing else matters at that point.
You’re riding his coattails to a win.
I’m making you the same offer.
You can ride my coattails and forget all about your lack of expertise.
I’ll let you leverage my two decades of experience winning at the highest level.
Sound good? (of course it does!)
Get started: